This field tells you which system software version you are currently running.
This field tells you if Adobe Type Manager is currently loaded.
This field tells you if the system you are running is capable of using TrueType‚Ñ¢ fonts. This field will also return yes if the TrueType‚Ñ¢ INIT is loaded on systems earlier than System 7.
This is the ascent value for the currently selected font.
This is the descent value for the currently selected font.
This is the leading value for the currently selected font.
This button opens a window which displays information about the currently selected font.
This button displays a window showing information about your system. It shows the version of system software running, whether TrueType‚Ñ¢ is possible, and whether Adobe Type Manager is running.
This button will print a character sheet report for all fonts selected in the font list of this window.
This button will copy all selected Macintosh TrueType‚Ñ¢ fonts to a format of TrueType‚Ñ¢ used by Microsoft Windows‚Ñ¢.
This field will tell you if a Type I font is installed for the currently selected font.
This field will tell you if a TrueType‚Ñ¢ font is installed for the currently selected font.
This field tells you if a screen font exists in your system for the currently selected font. This field will return the true answer regardless of whether TrueType‚Ñ¢ or Type I fonts are present.
This list initially shows you all fonts installed in your system. Use the Show Only options found in the Utilities menu to show only the font types you wish to see in this list.
This is the About button. It displays the About dialog for Font Clerk.
This is the Sample Text button. It causes a window to appear showing the currently selected typeface in various point sizes.
This cases the System Info window to be opened if it is not currently opened, or brought to the front if is is already opened.
This cases the Font Info window to be opened if it is not currently opened, or brought to the front if is is already opened.
This cases the Sample Text window to be opened if it is not currently opened, or brought to the front if is is already opened.
This causes the main Font Clerk window to be opened if it is not currently opened, or brought to the front if is is already opened.
This is the Windows menu. It is used to open windows which are closed, and to bring currently opened windows to the front.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display only the typefaces which have Type I fonts installed.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display only the typefaces which have Type I fonts installed.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display only the typefaces which have TrueType‚Ñ¢ fonts installed.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display only the typefaces which have TrueType‚Ñ¢ fonts installed.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display only the typefaces which have screen fonts installed.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display only the typefaces which have screen fonts installed.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display all fonts regardless of their type.
This menu item will cause the font list in the main window to display all fonts regardless of their type.
This menu item will create an empty font suitcase which you can use to organize your fonts. Simply drag any number of font files onto the suitcase to store them inside.
This menu item will allow you to convert each selected TrueType‚Ñ¢ font into a version of TrueType‚Ñ¢ used by Microsoft Windows‚Ñ¢.
This is the Utilities menu. Here you may perform conversions, create empty font suitcases, and tell Font Clerk what type of fonts to display in the main windows.
This is the menu item which displays the about dialog for Font Clerk.
This report type will print the full character set for the selected fonts, and will print either a label showing the keystroke required for each character or the ASCII value, depending on the setting in the Preferences dialog.
This report type will print a list of all fonts displayed in the font list in the Font Clerk 4.1 window, along with an indicator for whether a screen font, TrueType‚Ñ¢ font, or Type I font is installed for each.
This report type is a multi-column list of fonts printed in their own typefaces. Only those fonts displayed in the font list in the Font Clerk 4.1 window are used for the report.
This menu item will allow you to export the same information generated by the Print Font Info... report item into a tab-delimited text file. You may then use applications such as Microsoft Excel to format it.
This is the File menu. Here you can export a font info report and print various report formats.
This menu item will allow you to assign a footer to be printed at the bottom of each hardcopy page generated by Font Clerk.
This menu item will allow you to assign a header to be printed at the top of each hardcopy page generated by Font Clerk.
This is the Edit menu. Here you can assign a header or footer for your reports, and can alter the preferences for Font Clerk.